Monthly Archives: February 2012

New Indy Film Store Added to

Over the past several years I’ve received a number of direct email inquiries about purchasing copies of my films. I’ve also noticed the continued interest on YouTube and Google Video in some of my older accomplishments, such as Death & Taxes (the story of Gordon Kahl), my film adaptation of Flannery O’Connor’s Good Country People, Cattlegate (documentary on the Michigan PBB disaster), and The Pigs Vs. The Freaks.  And I should also mention the relatively more recent Postal Worker, starring Brad Garrett (of Everybody Loves Raymond fame) which played on HBO. So I had my web design guy implement a nice straightforward shopping cart for the new site where people can now acquire the work as they wish. It’s brand new, so let us know if you have any problems. Everything is available on DVD, but I also have a limited supply of vintage VHS copies of some titles for the film collectors out there, brand new in the unopened packaging.

As an added touch, and for a nominal extra cost, I’ve decided to offer autographed certificates of authenticity as an option with each film, to guarantee a quality print from the original source file.

This is one of the important ways indy filmmakers like myself recoup the high costs of their craft and help make future films possible. So I hope you’ll stop by and have a look around at the exciting new projects that are in pre and post-production, and maybe even purchase a film or two.